Sports injuries & rehab
Our team of Ballarat osteos and physios are experienced at assessing, diagnosing and managing a wide variety of acute and chronic sporting injuries. No matter what sport you play, if you have been recently injured then rest assured, we can guide you on bracing, taping, rehab and refer for imaging if required. Critical in your mind will be “when can I get back to playing and competing?”; we can help determine a timeframe and help with a plan to get you back to competing at your best.
Acute joint sprains, ligament tears and soft tissue strains are all common sporting injuries that require an individualised assessment and treatment plan. Your treatment might include advice, hands-on manual therapy, taping, dry needling and an exercise program to rehabilitate your injury. If needed, we will refer you for x-rays or scans, and refer you to a specialist for further assessment.
Chronic injuries such as tendinopathies or bone stress injuries often benefit from a more holistic look at your body and training load to understand the factors contributing to the injury and work on the prevention of any future reoccurrence. Tendinopathies may be treated using manual therapy, exercise loading or shockwave therapy.
Many of our team have extensive experience in particular sports, check out our team page and read the profiles to learn more.