Shoulder injuries
Shoulder pain can make most activities of daily living difficult, including getting a good night’s sleep. Traumatic shoulder injuries are sudden and may result from a sporting injury, bike accident or fall from a height. Shoulder pain also very frequently can have a gradual onset where the cause can be harder to define. This pain may be associated with an overload of the shoulder muscles and tendons due to repetitive movements. As we age, there is often a combination of factors at play – tendinopathy, bursitis, muscle tears as well as postural factors and joint stiffness. Hormonal changes too are very commonly associated with tendinopathies and rotator cuff tears in those over 50.
Our goal is to understand what your shoulder needs to be able to do by getting to know your job, sports and hobbies. We do a thorough shoulder examination that will include motion and strength testing of the shoulder, arm, back and neck. We also consider how the shoulder problem may affect the rest of your body. We may refer you for imaging or work in conjunction with your GP or surgeon as needed.
Shoulder treatment may include hands-on techniques as well as targeted exercises to strengthen the shoulder muscles and tendons and improve mobility. Common shoulder injuries we see and successfully treat include:
Rotator cuff tear and tendinopathies
Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis
Acromioclavicular arthritis and injury
Fractures of the collarbone (clavicle), glenohumeral joint and upper arm (humerus); usually co-managed with GP’s and/or surgeons.